The function of a variety of hidden files, some say for data security or hide files #x$x?X depends on what he wills, will give 401notfound here tricks to use attrib to hide files on the command line to avoid criminal attack computer! Because they usually use the command line to enter the victim's computer, for more details see the stage below. First we go to the folder where the file will be hidden as shown in the above cmd.
After using the dir command line will menampilkkan files in the folder, it was typing attrib After following directions.
Cisco corporation has launched a new series of packet tracer it is packet tracer 5.2, the latest version of this excess is the addition of a laptop that can feature in the system configure VPN, VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a private network to connect remote-site between safely. VPN is divided in two parts ie part of the system is protected by certain passwords and the outside of the internet infrastructure is not protected.
By using packet tracer 5.2 we can simulate and design a network that we will create. On the site have been provided packet tracer 5.2 for Windows, Ubuntu and fedora. Here I apologize for not giving a free packet tracer 5.2 due sizenya so great, but you can download it directly on the site with a Cisco login first as a Cisco Networking Academy. /febtian