Router is a device in a route network packets to another network, you could say also as a means of connecting one network to another network. In this edition I will configure the router to 2 pieces 2 subnets can be connected. using the application packet tracer 5.0
View pictures as examples!

Keep in mind that the router interface and the same company so we menngunakan cross cable, if the 2 devices to be connected has a different interface using a straight cable.

1. first router snapshot


Router#conf t

Router(config)#hostname R1 -- in here i gift name to router is R1

R1 (config)#int fa0/0 --sync fastethernet

R1 (config-if)#ip address

-- //thats is gateway

R1 (config-if)#no shutdown

R1 (config-if)#exit

R1 (config)#int ser2/0

R1 (config-if)#ip address

R1 (config-if)#clock rate 64000 --clock rate to using if in int ser any watch picture

R1 (config-if)#no shutdown

R1 (config-if)#exit

Configuration is completed on the first router, make almost the same thing also on the second router.
After its completion when we configure ip route to network with each other network can be connected.

R1(config)#ip route net-tujuan sub-tujuan next_hoop

R1(config)#ip route

R1#copy running-config startup-config
--this is done so that if the router is switched off the previous configuration is not lost
Also in the router do next. Okey... ..
Rich I am not sure you are doing okay I am biased configuration guided

2. in 2nd Router


Router#conf t

Router(config)#hostname R2

R2(config)#int fa0/0

R2 (config-if)#ip address

R2 (config-if)#no shutdown

R2 (config-if)#exit

R2 (config)#int ser2/0

R2 (config-if)#ip address

R2 (config-if)#no shutdown

R2 (config-if)#exit

R2 (config)#ip route

R1#copy running-config startup-config

what if there are 3 routers?? very different indeed if we want to route router0 (R1) to router2 (R3) here next_hoop (door) is ip address of the router, the URLs R1 as the postman will visit with an escort home, R2 as security (guards), R3 as host. Then R1 here of course can not directly go into the house and met his host, but spoke first to the security, saying "no mas master at home??" And the guard into the house and said to his master, "the lord is the postman .." " grab the package "the master said that the analogy ..
so if you want to route R1 (router0) to R3 (router2), next_hoop used next_hoop on R2 serial2 / 0

Finished configuring the router, now 2 men sharing each other network to do things hhe, good luck!!. /febtian